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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Gyms, Beaches, Showers, and Clothes...Oh My!

As you may have guessed, I am back in the full-swing of fall...which means, I sleep at home and live at school. =)

Volleyball season has started and the team has survived a harrowing experience in OC, 2 scrimmages, and 2 full weeks of kick-ass conditioning. They look good and I'm very optimistic about our chances of fulfilling our season's goal of taking our team all the way to the championship trophy. Any team that stave off Laverne's pool workout, the drunk Canadian stalker, 100 degree heat in the gym, AND laugh about it is gonna make it far.

School started last Tuesday and I am excited about this year's crop. They seem to be energetic and fun...but again, it may just be "showing off." We'll have to wait and see in a few weeks once the novelty has worn off. I am encouraged that all but one turned in their first assignment. Massive improvement from last year.

I attended Marisa's surprise bridal shower yesterday. Nothing beats surprising someone who finds everything out ahead of time. She had no idea!! HA! It was a great afternoon and fun company too. Hats off to the future Mrs. Saville!

Note to self: Tax free stuff is ALWAYS more appealing than normal sale stuff. (and easier to justify I might add.) Everyone needs "a mitt," right Marisa? And ice cream makes everything better.

Friday, August 11, 2006

On my way to N.C.

SO people watching is not only for malls and grocery stores. Another fabulous location happens to be the highway. In my travels to NC yesterday, I saw some intriguing stuff that I just HAD to share.

1) Did you know that there is a fast fix for your air conditioning in your car? Instead of spending oodles of dough by going to the garage to get it fixed, simply attach a window unit to the back window of your van and attach it to a generator. Duh! The trick is making sure the generator doesn't fall off the crate that it sits on...just use enough duct tape.

2) Did you know that you can buy a pre-fab log cabin? Yes. For all of your rustic needs within your budget and put together fast (think linkin logs), you can get a log cabin delivered to your city land plot within a week (the sign said so).

3) Did you know that you can drive your tractor to the Dairy Queen/Subway/gas station/rest stop...and they have DESIGNATED PARKING SPACES for them? Perhaps So.Mar. should consider this parking feature.

Note to self: Painting and moving are FUN...no matter what other people say. I love peach and ectoplasm. Nothing makes me happier than manuevering stairs covered with slippery tarps. And the best part: PIZZA for every meal. =)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Scuse me??

So I spent a day helping Casey paint her new crib (aka the former Sammons household). It looks fabulous now after rolling 2 coats of peach paint all over the place.

BUT apparently something happened whilst I was sweatin' to the 80s in la casa de Mitchell yesterday.

On my drive this morning, I noticed that there are some trees that have leaves that are starting to change...and gasp...even fall to the ground. Scuse me?? I do believe it is still officially summer. We still have temps in the 90s. We're still swimming in the pools. We're still craving Rita's Italian Ice and Ben & Jerry's. Ok, so maybe that last one never stops, but still. The leaves are starting to change ALREADY!

Is this just reminent high-ness from painting? Is this a facade? Is this a hallucination? Did I hiberate for a few months and think it was only one night?

Note to self: Try not to listen to Justin Timerlake's new song. Not only will it get stuck in your head, you'll want to keep listening to it...so stop the insanity before it starts.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Do you live in a ghetto?

Here's how you can tell...

1) Count the number of cars in the parking lot with flat tires. NOW count the number of expensive cars (Caddy's, Lincoln's, Benz's). If the numbers are equal, you live in the ghetto.

2) Observe the manner in which people are cooling their homes. Is tin foil involved?

3) How many speed bumps are there in the approach to your residence? If there is a speed bump every 20 feet...you DEFINITELY in a ghetto-esque area. If there aren't any, consider why people are allowed to speed by your residence...

4) Do people hang out on the stoop of the residence? If so, they are ghetto as well as your crib.

There will be further installments of "do you live in the ghetto" sooner than later. However, these are important questions to consider if you are a) looking for a new place, 2) are considering moving from your current residence, or d) evaluating your life choices.

Note to self: Fanta is the best drink...when you can't get the damn song out of your head.
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