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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ren Fest 2007

If you have never been to a Renaissance Festival...you NEED to go! And let me tell you why:

A) The food. Ren Fest is a celebration of food from the "Renaissance Era" whilst enjoying a slightly modern twist. You can get a gigantic turkey leg and steak on a stake. Who wouldn't want to honor the Atkins diet in a better way? There are healthier options (salads, wraps, etc), but WHO wants to be healthy at Ren Fest?

2) The meade. Not only is Ren Fest a celebration of food, but it also gives a huge shout out to the lagers and ales we all enjoy. 'Tis a tad pricey per beverage, but totally worth it in the way you get to carry the plastic cup all the way to the priveys every 15 minutes. =)

D) There is no better place for people watching EVER. There are shows, shopping, and activities (like axe throwing) where all the freaks and geeks from everywhere come to gather in celebration of their oddness. Not to mention the costumes!! Many of the patrons dress in Renaissance garb, complete with women proudly displaying their breasts in corsets and men in tights with swords. I'm telling you...it is worth every penny you spend on grub and meade to enjoy the "scenic" views.

As Billy says, "I'll put money on it that these people also attend comic book conventions." I added that Star Trek conventions couldn't be too far behind.

Note to self: Gyros NOT in Greece just plain stink.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Oldies but goodies.

Have you heard the new Bruce Springsteen song?? I'm obsessed since my man played it for me last night.

Check it out here.

Too bad youtube blocked the video. It is refreshing to hear some solid music by someone who used to rock when I was a wee little tot. It give me hope for the music world....maybe this song can beat out some of the earth-shattering lyrics atop the charts today:
....let me buy you a drank....
....i don't need the cheese or the car keys boy i like you just the way you are...
....g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s yeah...

Note to self: Use quotes from student papers to write the next hit song...alone in my principals...(please get it baby sister).

Monday, October 01, 2007

I will survive...

Yes I know. It's been awhile...but I'm so swamped with volleyball and teaching that I hardly have time to eat and sleep. Sheesh I'm tired.

But I need some help on this one. Halloween is right around the corner...and we all know that means it's time for the witty costume. Hmmmm. I don't have time to think, so what do YOU think I should be?

Requirements need be:
  1. Funny
  2. Ironic
  3. Clever
  4. Easy to put together (budget and time are NOT on my side)
  5. Slut-factor need be included
  6. Can work as a duo with Justin
Post it soon!!

Note to self: Find a way for papers to grade themselves.
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