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Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Great Day...

for a white wedding!

Craig and Marisa are now officially The Savilles!! Yeah!! They had the most beautiful wedding in OC yesterday. From the sun setting during their nuptials to everyone in their formal wear, the day was perfect. Chilly, but perfect. I had the time of my life...and it looked like everyone felt the same. Good times had by all, great company, good food, a happy couple, and gorgeous weather. What more could you ask for?

Hats off to the Saville's and their awesome planning. You guys are amazing and I couldn't be happier for both of you. =) Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your special day.

Note to self: Remember that time can heal wounds...and sometimes people can surprise you in a good way.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the Music.

Observation: Many people throw out some wicked 80s dance moves in celebration. Go ahead. Watch any tv show (particularly comedies) or movies or some of your friends and see what I mean. The cabbage patch is a fan-favorite...but the running man and roger rabbit are also popular.

Question: What did people do in celebration before the 80s?

Did they bust out the twist? the mashed potato? Did they "stay alive?" Seriously. What was the celebratory move of choice?

Note to self: 6 days 'til Marisa's wedding. 5 days 'til Homecoming Hell Week is over. And I still don't know what to wear for celebrity day. AUGH. (Go Seniors)

Monday, October 02, 2006


The only thing cuter than a little boy with curly blonde hair tightly gripping his mother's finger, trottin along at the mall is the t-shirt that he was wearing:

"What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's."

Not only did I giggle (and make other people look at me curiously at why I'm laughing at myself), but it made me think about all the good times and "secrets" that my grandparents made my sister and me keep on our sleepover nights.
  • all the pizza and candy we ate.
  • the movies we watched...mostly "Annie."
  • how late we stayed up...and how we'd run to get in bed at Gma Roger's house when we heard the garage door open...
  • bunny cookies.
  • bowling.
  • arcade games.

Ah, the olden days when life was simply about cartoons and sugar highs.

Note to self: We are at the half-way mark of volleyball season. We are half-way to our goals for the season. Can I get a witness?

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