A Love/Hate Relationship.
Let me splain.
Pants shopping. Apparently the 5'10"-no-curve look is very rare as most pants are too short and have fabric hanging off my boyish shape. And let's not forget that in order to find A pair of pants that fit, I have to try on an AVERAGE of 10. Ask my sister or my mom...they understand the agony of me and my nemisis: the fitting room.
Shirt shopping. In addition to the struggle to clothe my long legs, finding shirts that are not about to split their seems across my athletic shoulders YET ALSO do not give the impression that I am pregnant is a challenge of olympic proportion. Where are these skinny armed girls? Are there no athletes who have a day job?
AND THE ULTIMATE WOE: shoes. I love shoes as much as the next girl. But I have been blessed with big feet. You know what they say about girls with big feet? They wear flip flops because 90% of the shoes in the stores are sizes 7-8-9. Oye. I don't usually pick my shoes; they pick me. That is, I have to select styles because they actually have my size.
I've seen women like me...and we're wearing the same clothes and shoes. Is it possible that the fashion industry is stuck in a time warp? Do they not realize that women are bigger now? Maybe I just have to become famous so designers will make clothes that fit me.
Note to self: Start a support group for "unaverage" women. Rent a stadium for the meetings.