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Thursday, November 30, 2006


Here's just some bits of food for thought from this past week of hell.
  • What possesses people to wear sweatpants and holey t-shirts into a courtroom? Even further, what possesses said people to actually argue against the prosecution's charges? They're not helping themselves by stating their stressful jobs lead them to drink excessively and then drive home...not to mention their crimes not caught by the fashion police.
  • Why do people drive 25 mph during the morning commute on Rte. 2? Seriously, this morning, a car that shall remain nameless, slowed down from 45 to 25 mph (almost like s/he was going to turn) but then decided that 25 was the appropriate traveling speed. Needless to say, me and the 45 cars behind me BARELY made it to school in time.
  • Why do the fine souls randomly selected to sit next to you on airplanes NEVER have a clue as to when to stop talking? I'm all for witty banter, the exchanging of random information, and being "personable." But good lord! Recognize the signs of tiredness/naptime.
  • Is there really a need for obnoxious lighting displays for all the world to see? I'm all for lights and decor to celebrate the season...but if you wanna be tacky, be tacky INSIDE so only you and yours can deal with your tackiness. Don't make the rest of us wonder why you're mixing colored lights and white lights, why you have one strand that blinks, and why you think the 30 ft inflatable Frosty is neat.

Note to self: Why do I miss pie and mashed potatoes but NOT the turkey? Investigate thoroughly.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Deep Relief

Lots has happened since the last post. Lemme sum up:
  • The Hurricane Volleyball team won its 3rd consecutive Regional Championship in fine style (not dropping a single game).
  • The Canes continued on to the State Finals, where we met our rivals Centennial for a rematch of last year's finals...but to our disappointment, we lost in 4 thrillingly close games. Hats off to the phenomenal season we had, losing our only match in the State Championship match.
  • The Lord is supposed to retire (although no formal announcement has been made, she has informally told Fe and me OVER AND OVER). Can I get a witness for that?
  • Turkey Day has come and gone...and oh, what a tribute to gluttony. I love coming home to find a whole pie just for me, more turkey and mashed potatoes than I can eat, and fam to chill with after the sleepies set in.
  • No required Black Friday shopping. Amen to that and ALL that entails.

Now it's the countdown 'til the Christmas holiday...and all the crap that has to happen before then. Oye. Midterms, shopping, and decorating...oh the stories to come!

Note to self: 3-1-1. You never really notice how many of your liquids are NOT in 3 oz or smaller containers. Don't worry. You know I live on the edge and managed to get a 3.3 oz moisturizer through security. Bring the pain!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mickey's Last Supper.

Our third roommate's tenure has come to a close. That's right. Bol and I kick some bootay when it comes to pest control.

We caught the mouse with our peanut butter sticky trap.

And I put Mickey in a paper bag and set him outside to die in nature.

So that makes me the man...even though we BOTH screamed like 5 year old girls yesterday as he scampered around our living room.

Note to self: Keep peanut butter on hand...but not on the floor.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Popcorn AND Curtain Calls.

SO things have been 8 shades of hectic in Turnerland these days. Between coaching, teaching, and sponsoring, it has been a helluva time trying to maintain some sort of normal-esque social life. I did manage to help Casey to celebrate her birthday in total Adams-Morgan style, helped my team to an undefeated SMAC championship, carved a pumpkin with my bestest friends, and went on a date.

And yes, to answer your question, I AM WonderWoman.

And NO, there is no end in sight to the insanity.

Since I'm too exhausted to be funny, I'll just have to leave you with some notes-to-self.
  • the farther south into Calvert County you go, the longer the mullets become.
  • don't EVER eat at Moe's Southwestern Grill...your tummy will hate you for days.
  • never underestimate the power of a great dress.
  • Dancing with the Stars may possibly be the best non-thought-oriented show EVER.

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