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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Back to the Grind

It is amazing to me just how fast stress hits after a week of vacation from the j-o-b. Between my students hyped on their Easter goodies, my own lack of motivation, and the rest of the daily grind beating my head...I'm EXHAUSTED. Sadness settles knowing it is only Tuesday. Ah me.

The only saving grace is that the birds were chirping at 5 am and the sun had risen as I drove the 30 miles into work. Money. It was also pretty warm today...rock on! Except the memories of my insanely hot room are quickly returning as I sweat through most of the lessons today. A girl can't have everything I suppose.

I also got my hair did...and Jeffry went nuts with the products. I think I've found a secret weapon to reinforce buildings: hair products. They are made to withstand hurricane-force winds. I swear.

Note to self: Will Smith was right...parents just don't understand.

It's quite a ride...

Welcome to my world...or something like it. Since so many of my crew have their own blogs, I have decided to hop on the wagon too. As it stands, I should be in bed...we return to the disease-infested haven tomorrow after a week of blissful departure (also known as spring break from school). Anywho, the long and the short of it is: we don't get enough breaks!

It was a nice break...starting off with a short vaycay to NYC with my peeps. Never been before, so just being there for the short weekend proved too short to see a lot of the sights. Did see Ground Zero (freaky) and The Natural History Museum...Central Park and some bars. Highlights? Smooth ride in, riding the subway complete with performers, getting woken up by drumming protestors, eating at the street-side trailer, and of course, chillin with my fellow teaching peeps.

Rest of break was spent laboring over research papers prepared oh so carelessly by my lovely junior english students. Nice. Remind me again why I bother teaching format?

Alright. Time for bed...that alarm sounds earlier each school day.

Note to self: Frozen salmon patties can double as hockey pucks.
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