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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Storytime with T Unit

First and foremost, hats off to Raymond for a fabulous birthday dinner and celebration. It's the first time anyone has taken me out to dinner for my birthday...You are awesome, but you know that (since I tell you all the time). =) He also gets 50 gold stars (along with Jason and Erin) for the insane task of moving my stuff from condo to townhouse. The boys love my dresser, what can I say.

To make a long story short: I finished a grad class, celebrated my birthday sorta, rejoiced in the rain at the chilli festival, and moved in the past week. So to summarize my insane week, I'll leave you with some stories my students came up with as to how I got my bruised, fat lip. The creativity of my T Unit is astonishing.

-because I use my hands too much when I talk, I lost control of one and it hit my mouth.
-because I'm too tall, my lip hit a doorway.
-while I was lifting my car up with one hand to change the tire with the other hand, one of the hubcaps popped me in the mouth (the force was too much for me to handle since I was holding the car up).
-a biker named Spike picked a fight with me at a bar and only managed to get one poke a me with his pool cue as I tore him apart with my bare hands.
-I bit my lip trying to get my left dimple (that doesn't exist) to show

Note to self: 19 more days of students, 2 more days of seniors. Get hype.


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