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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Final Countdown

So I've decided that things are sunnier with countdowns. And yes, the jock in me is currently singing the oh-so-fabulous tune by Europe. So here's a list of the most important countdowns to date...

16 days of asshole seniors who think they rule the world.
35 days of slacking juniors who could give a rat's ass about the rest of the school year.
1 more day of SAT class...can I get a witness?
3 more research classes...THERE IS A GOD (who enjoys watching me sweat the rest of that countdown)
1 week til my final...2 weeks til my presentation.
36 days until I'M FREE from the confines of my classroom.
2 days til my Momma comes.
1 day til I see my favorite boy.

Note to self: don't ever forget the effectiveness of "I'll wait" among the youth of today. McC: I'll help you write the book. =) Get hype.


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