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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Alas...one more day

Is it bad to live for Fridays? I have found this month to be horrendous. Between bitchy, blaming parents, spring-fever-filled students, the sudden moving situation, and stomach-issued weight gain...I have a new-found disdain for April. I just can't seem to get out of this "low" and stay out. My saving grace is the few moments of solitude where I'm not trying to scream, explode, keel over, or sleep. Those moments are few and far between.

Sad news today too. Our bird, the beloved Pimp Juice, died of unknown causes. He's been out living at Tim's house for a few weeks and has been "ill." We brought him home two days ago, and he died at some point today. Vikki found him in his cup. We loved that retarded bird. Sure he didn't understand the mechanics of flying or landing...we never got to teach him to sing "Pimp Juice," or teach him the gangsta bob. A moment of silence for our lost pimp-in-training.

Note to self: Beware the ides of prom. There is a proper technique to turning down repeated offers from students to be their dates...allowing both parties to laugh and save face. So far, it seems to be "You got served." Clutch.


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