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Friday, April 08, 2005


It's Friday. Can I get a witness? What a week. For the first time this school year, I feel like a week lasted longer than 5 days...

Good news: My Mama is coming to visit!! Surprise for me!! She told me last night that she's flying in on Thursday the 28th. I'm excited. She'll stay for the weekend and we'll get to hang out. I know she has an alterior motive (other than her wanting to see me)...I know she wants to meet Raymond. Apparently she tried to make this a surprise in the truest sense by EMAILING Raymond and trying to arrange for HIM to pick her up from the airport! AUGH. Slightly stalkerish (since she stole his email off of a forward I sent to multiple peeps). Fab. Great start to that introduction.

It's official. Vikki and I are moving to our new digs around May 20th. Clutch.

Note to self: I don't feel funny...is that weird?


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