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Thursday, June 23, 2005

One more day.

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of AP training. Can I get a witness? 4 days in a row of 8-4 class is a form of torture, I'm sure of it. The best part has been the provided lunch. Clutch.

Open gyms started last night. Awesome. We had 19 show up...a far greater number than expected. A huge shout-out to all that are sore because of our hard core asses playing for 3 hours. Holla.

I hope the cruise is going well for my girls! I can't wait to hear how things are going/have went. I'm sure you all have stories for hours. Yipee.

The boy and I are "talking"...but he's not saying much. Patience is a virtue. We're slow outta the gates on this one.

Last thing...Traci rocks. I could elaborate, but really, she is the bestest friend anyone could ask for and I appreciate her being able to deal with my scatteredness. Thanks Diddy. We should go shopping more often. Mmmmm...Sephora....

Note to self: Never EVER underestimate the power of a good cologne. A boy that smells like heaven will ALWAYS get what he wants. (Right?)


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