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Monday, June 27, 2005

Dios Mio!

Just when I think things are "calming down," I get the call from my dad. Grandpa Rogers died unexpectedly today. He's been having some health problems as of late, but his condition was stable. The doctors are unsure why he died. They think it may have been an aneurism. What makes it suck more is it is 2 weeks shy of my sister and I going to visit him for the first time in 5 years. Augh.

My poor mother is down there alone too. That pisses me off.

Conditioning started today...I'm already sore and we didn't even run. Tomorrow will ROCK.

Went out with Critter and Marisa on Saturday night...awesome time. I heart them.

Note to self: Linen pants are fantastic...especially for Rain Man. I've never seen anyone get that EXCITED about linen pants.

PS: It's fabulous to have my roomie and friends back from the Caribbean. Lots of stories...and rum!


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