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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fright? Fest

Six Flags Fright Fest? Hmmm. Not so frightening in the way one would expect around All Hallow's Eve. I was ALMOST scared once walking through one of the haunted houses. What was more frightening was how bad Joe the magician was...or maybe it was his scantily-clad dancing assistants. Bottom line: watch horror movies and eat popcorn to create your own fright fest.

Just gonna throw this one out there: WHY DOES IT GET DARK SO FRIGGIN EARLY? I mean, duh, I know it's fall and it's all about the Earth's orbit yadda yadda yadda. But this dark at 6:30 biznass is totally throwing my body off. It's only 7:45 and my head is saying go to bed, but my body is like, ummm, it's 7:45. I'm all outta whack.

Note to self: Some observations. Do not underestimate how cool xrays are. Do not schedule practice and team night on the ONLY DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL in the fall. Do not diss hockey. DO download the Best of the Muppet Show.


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