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Thursday, January 19, 2006


It has been a tough week in Turnerland.

It began with the loss of one of my favorite students to a car accident. Needless to say, my troops and I are hanging in there, but we're definitely not going to be right for awhile. The week continues with a 2.5 hour meeting with the Lord. Do I need to elaborate on that? mmmmm NO. And today is the end of 2nd quarter. As anyone knows, the end of a marking period is always a stressfully notable occasion on both sides of the desk.


BUT I have also become addicted to TWO must-see shows: Carnivale and My Name is Earl. Earl is flippin hil-arious (I laughed so hard a little pee came out). Carnivale is totally weird but captivating. If you haven't indulged...whatcha waitin fo?

Note to self: Is it bad if I miss my cat? Is it bad if I can't get Rump Shaker out of my head? Is it bad if I love cookie dough in the plastic container as much as the warm cookies out of the oven? Is it bad if I like to write comments on papers because I like my pen? Such are the questions of my life.


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