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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gone til November

I can't believe it is November. Where the hell did October go? Oh yeah, I was in a gym. My bad.

It is astonishing just how much a difference 1 hour can make. Fall back rocks because you get an extra hour to...well...sleep. But when that sun sets at friggin 6 pm, my body is definitely thinking it is much later than that. Driving home in the dark takes way longer!

Great times at the Currier's Halloween par-tay. Big ups to Angelina and Maddox, Queen Victoria, Tom and his kid, and, my personal fave, my Swedish Chef.

And a huge LAME to all the kids out there and their lack of Halloween costumes. Where I come from, you gotta have STYLE to get the good candy. Bring it.

Note to self: Lame costumes means more candy for the Vikster and T Unit. Sugar comas are hard to sleep off.


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