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Friday, December 01, 2006

Guest appearances.

The Bol and I went for a little Lebanese Taverna and hit up "For Your Consideration" tonight...the latest Christopher Guest mockumentary.

The movie is a behind-the-scenes look at a crazy group of actors making a movie whilst the buzz of Oscars makes its way around the set. It wasn't as good as "Best in Show," but was still good for a few laughs. Parker Posey is awesome and I love the air-head blonde. Bol and I returned home, sufficiently chilly from this crazy weather, to find that "The Princess Bride" is on tv! My all-time fave, which has Christopher Guest as the 6-fingered man. It makes me have a whole new appreciation for this comic genius.

And yes, I can still quote the ENTIRE movie without mistakes. And YES, I am proud to admit my nerdiness.

Note to self: "It smells like butter." Hmmm. Why isn't there butter-scented air freshener? Wouldn't that make people feel like they're in a theater? Or do people not enjoy the scent of a theater?


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